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"...a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Lao Ce
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You can find the latest information on our site in the list below:
Our references
ASA Kft. E.ON Zsana nyomásfokozás EPH, földelés, villámvédelem ATYS-co Kft. MOL Nyrt. Algyő gázsapkák termelésbe állítása H-I…III hőcserélő blokkok cseréje Emerson Process Management Kft EON
Software and hardware development
Custom instrumentation and monitoring, software development, system automation and integration into existing systems
Control technology division
The Control technology division’s main profile is engineering, development, design and system integration activities for control equipment and intelligent autonomous control systems
Engineering division
The qualifications and experience of our designers enable us to provide our clients’ projects with a complex design, covering a wide range of disciplines.
Instumentral control engineering
The main profile of the Power Business Unit is the development, design and implementation of high and low current systems, as well as the installation, commissioning and parameterisation of process control systems
Solar system
Among renewable energy sources, photovoltaic systems are the most popular due to their ease of installation and maintenance. We offer our customers a complete turnkey