
Szeged, Pöröséri út 2.


+36 30 126 1849

Levelezési cím

6701 Szeged Pf.: 684.

Software and hardware development

Custom instrumentation and monitoring, software development, system automation and integration into existing systems
In addition to the software and hardware development tasks of the control technology business, our company is also involved in other development tasks. In recent years, we have also opened up to building automation, factory floor support, data backup and smart devices. Our developer base has a wide range of competences, covering all customer needs. In terms of process management, our operations include projects based on both waterfall and agile principles.

Tevékenységi területek

Épület automatizálás


Our services range from the automation and centralisation of existing energy, security and building services systems to the design and implementation of completely new turnkey systems

Technológia automatizálás


Automation of unattended and centrally controllable and manageable production systems and lines. Our design and construction capabilities and capabilities range from greenfield investments to systems modernisation.

Szoftver és hardver fejlesztés

Software and hardware development

Software and hardware support developments include the development of customized data transmission and evaluation systems that fully comply with the specific certification systems and criteria of the industry.

Building automation

Our building automation services enable the most diverse and complex projects, thanks to our broad range of industrial and energy expertise.

Our services include:

  • Security and surveillance systems,
  • lighting control, lighting control,
  • shading automation,
  • cooling and heating systems,
  • ventilation and air handling systems,
  • fire protection systems, such as:
  • heat and smoke extraction systems,
  • building energy systems,
  • domestic hot water control

complete automation and coordination of all these.

In addition, it is also possible to automate the systems already installed and operating, the coordination of which is monitored and controlled by a central data collection and management system.

The engineering and implementation experience behind our expertise is based on many years of varied, complex and challenging projects.

Our professional and practical experience is backed up by a broad reference base.

Our building automation services cover both residential and industrial needs.

Technology automation

Speciális célprogramok és célhardverek teljes körű tervezése és fejlesztése

Technology and production automation

We provide our partners with specialised automation solutions for the manufacturing technology and energy industry.

Industry 4.0 systems ensure and optimise the productive efficiency of machines or processes involved in production. For these, tasks and information that could previously only be performed on site are no longer sufficient – remote data access and control opens up new dimensions in production. We offer our customers a solution through secure VPN connections and cloud services.

Software and hardware development

Full design and development of specific target programmes and target hardware

A significant part of the activity is focused on the design of industrial process control systems and the development of the associated hardware and software tools.

The development of customised tools tailored to specific needs is a requirement that often provides simple and reliable answers to cardinal questions about the customer’s operations.

Custom devices can be control units, data acquisition and telemechanical systems programmed to produce results that meet specific criteria.

Our development capabilities cover smart devices and commercial software and hardware development.

Specialised, customised software and hardware development

Software and hardware development vezetője

Birtalan Zsolt

Szoftver- és hardver fejlesztés
üzletág vezető

+36 30 206 3161
2040 Budaörs, Rákóczi utca 38.

Main areas of activity:

  • Design of industrial process control systems, specification of hardware and software tools related to the design, control and,
    programming of control and instrumentation and telemechanical systems
  • Complete design and development of special purpose programs and target hardware
  • Design and development of building automation systems and maintenance
  • Factory PLC operation support up to 24 hours a year every day of the year
  • Smart device development
  • Design, development and manufacture of computer hardware
  • Commercial software and hardware design, development and manufacturing

References of Software and hardware development


Contact form

Please contact our specialists for professional and other questions with confidence!